Wednesday, January 16, 2013


So, I am age 40 and very hormonal.  I am peri-menopausal and it causes a lot of annoying things in my life.  Most people say I am too young yet to be peri-menopausal but my mother was completely thru it by age 47, which is very young.   One of the annoying symptoms is weight, it’s much harder to lose weight when your hormones are out of whack and much easier to gain it!

 Another, is major mood swings.  These two symptoms alone make getting older more difficult.  But, after doing a ton of research, I have been able to keep it all under control and even lose weight.  I have found some all natural supplements and herbs to take to help keep my hormones in balance so I am not as moody and so I can continue my weight loss.  So far, so good. 

I am using Progesterone Cream, I rub this on my chest daily, I take Red Clover, I also take iodine drops, 4 drops per day in a small glass of water and lastly, I take a multi-vitamin for women age 50+, I couldn’t find a multi-vitamin for age 40+ so I figured the age 50+ just has some extra stuff in it that I can only benefit from so I take that one!

This regimen along with my new diet and exercise routine has completely changed my life!  I feel fabulous!  I haven’t felt this good in 10 years!  I feel healthy, strong, energetic and young. 

I have read a lot on this subject and what I did was pick and choose bits and pieces of all of the options out there and created one that I thought was best for me and my symptoms and so far it is working and has been working long term.  I have dropped 4 sizes and 30 pounds in about 5 months and I am not finished!  I have about 20 more pounds and/or one more size to drop before I feel I only need to maintain.  I am hoping I will be at my goal by June or before. 

At first it was really difficult to keep up the exercise and diet but once I saw the results happening, it kept me motivated and then once I started feeling better than I have felt in 10 years, I became addicted to that feeling!  I love feeling strong and energetic and I don’t want it to go away! 

I won’t bore you all with my exercise routine and my diet plan unless you ask me.  If you wanna know I will be glad to share it with you but I am not gonna go into it now and bore you all to death lol

Well, that’s all for now girlies……..until next time! <3


Amanda said...

i want to know!!!! Good for you!!!

Unknown said...

LOL Ok, I will post my routine in a bit!

kellerie said...

I want to know, too! I am curious about the purpose of the progesterone cream. I used that when I was pregnant, but I didn't know that it helps with other hormonal issues.

Cheryl said...

I am so not looking forward to menopause, I had a taste of it during all my fertility stuff, oh my the hot flashes alone make you want to die! But i couldn't take anything to help, I plan to use everything I can to help me when I go through it for real!!!

Carrie said...

That sounds horrible!!! I am not looking forward to menopause either. It's encouraging you have found things that help you!

Char said...

Okay Crystal, we need to talk! I am going thru some of the same crap and it is no fun. I feel your pain, although my issues are a bit different than yours, I did gain weight and yes, it is harder to get rid of.
Good for you that you found a routine that works for you and your body! Sure, post it all. Sounds interesting.

Unknown said...

Ha yeah, there are many things that are physically going on with me due to these stupid perimenopausal hormones....some are just annoying and some are personal but I am totally fine with being open about them all so I will blog some more about this subject since all of us are around the same age. Maybe we can help each other thru this stuff if we share our tips.

Char said...

I just had an endometrial ablation last Friday to help with one horrible symptom - heavy, long, never ending periods. I really hope this works and helps with it.

Unknown said...

Yikes, I hope the surgery helped too!