Thursday, January 17, 2013


Ok, since a couple of you have asked me what I have been doing to lose weight I am posting it. 

Ok, first off, I am a huge homebody and hate to go anywhere but home, after work.  I don't even like to go out to eat after work.  I go straight home, cook dinner, workout, shower and get in my comfy PJ's and lay in my bed watching tv, and playing on my phone or ipad while my hubby is next to me on the computer watching his sports crap lol

I knew I would never ever ever keep up with going to a gym a few times a week.  So, I decided to come up with a routine I would stick with.  In my living room, I have a small portable stepper machine, 2 sets of dumbells, and a yoga ball.  Every morning I wake up, drink my coffee and then do 15 minutes on my stepper, do a 10 minute dumbell routine for arm exercises, and I hold my dumbells while I do my crunches and my bicycle crunches.  Then I do 10 push ups This takes about 20 mins.  then I finish getting ready for work.  Once I get to work and get settled in, I speed walk the showroom which is huge.  I go 10 times around.  Sometimes I do it first thing in the morning, sometimes I have to wait til the afternoon because it depends on when there are customers in the showroom.  I have to wait til there are no customers.  The other thing I do, is each time I have to go upstairs at work which is about 5 times a day, I go very fast and I take 2 steps at a time.  Also, evertime I go to the bathroom (which is a lot because I drink 5 water bottles a day) I do 30 jumping jacks in the stall (don't laugh at me). 

The idea here was for me to turn everything that I normally do anyway, into an exercise.  This way, I am getting it out of the way while doing something I have to do anyway, like work.  It's perfect for me because I am not taking any time away from anything to exercise.  I do it all while I am doing things I normally do.  This has worked great for me.  The last thing I do, is while I am cooking dinner, I go in the living room and do my dumbell exercises,  stepper and crunches again.  I always do it while I am waiting for something to boil or brown so I am exercising and getting dinner done all at the same time.  I do this routine 7 days a week. 

I will post my diet plan in another post. 


Cheryl said...

I am laughing, you told me not to but I am. I can just picture being in the bathroom and someone doing jumping jacks next to me!! Greta idea just adding to things you have to do anyway!

Unknown said...

Lol it's a two stall bathroom and I only go when there's no customers in the showroom.

Carrie said...

You need to post progression pictures!!

Unknown said...

heck no Carebear! You be crazy lol

Unknown said...

The idea of trying to turn the usual things we do everyday into an exercise routine is really great! It’s also practical that you still get to do the things you need to while doing the things you have to, which is to work out and be fit. Now, I’m thinking of applying the same strategy for myself.

Laraine Leet